Upload your moment

Oops It seems your file does not match the resolution requirement Drag and drop your spherical videos here
Select files from your device MP4 only (H264+AAC), 1440p min. (2880x1440), 2GB maximum remove

Uploading patate.mp4 45%

(text todo) Change the projection according to your needs: click and drag/move with your keyboard arrows, zoom in or out with your mousewheel/Enter key.

(text todo) Play, pause and change the projection according to your needs. The last view will be saved as the thumbnail.

Paddle on La Marne

Just doing some paddle with GoPro team

Enter password

Repeat password

{{ 'upload.error.no_mp4'|trans }} {{ 'upload.error.bad_res'|trans({ '%min_width%': upload_min_width, '%min_height%': upload_min_height }, 'video')|raw }}