
Here are the default options/parameters of Parazoom:

Options Default value Description
scale 1.2 float or string Amount of transform scale
transitionTime 0.3s string CSS transition on mouse enter time
transitionTimeLeave 1s string CSS transition on mouse leave time
opacity 1 float or string Opacity of the image on mouse off
opacityHover 1 float or string Opacity of the image on mouse hover
overflow hidden visible or visible Display or not the overflow out of the image boundaries
cursor default string CSS cursor property on mouse hover
customCursorIcon `` string URL of a custom cursor image (jpg, gif, png, svg). If set, display the custom cursor.
customCursorSize 20px string CSS value to set the custom cursor icon. Available only if customCursorIcon is set.
tilt false boolean Enable or not the tilt effect
tiltXamount 10 float Amount of horizontal tilt effect
tiltYamount 10 float Amount of vertical tilt effect
text false boolean Display or not the alt text
textPosition middle string CSS position of the text
textClass `` string Add a CSS class to the text container
textPosition middle string CSS position of the text
textAlignment center string CSS alignment of the text
textXParallax 10 float Amount of horizontal tilt effect for the text
textYParallax 10 float Amount of vertical tilt effect for the text
textOpacity 0 float or string Opacity of the text on mouse off
textOpacityHover 1 float or string Opacity of the text on mouse hover
onHover `` function Callback function triggered on mouse hover
onLeave `` function Callback function triggered on mouse leave
onClick `` function Callback function triggered on mouse click
onMove `` function Callback function triggered on mouse move

All options can be customized globally and individually via specific call or data-attributes.


Here you can set the global parameters.

//Change all default settings
    scale:                  '1.2',
    transitionTime:         '0.3s',
    transitionTimeLeave:    '1s',
    opacity:                '1',
    opacityHover:           '1',
    overflow:               'hidden',
    cursor:                 'default',
    customCursorIcon:       '',
    customCursorSize:       '20px',
    tilt:                   false,
    tiltXamount:            10,
    tiltYamount:            10,
    text:                   false,
    textClass:              false,
    textPosition:           'middle',
    textAlignment:          'center',
    textXParallax:          10,
    textYParallax:          10,
    textOpacity:            0,
    textOpacityHover:       1,
    onHover: function(e){
        //Your mouse hover callbacks
    onMove: function(e){
        //Your mouse move callbacks
    onLeave: function(e){
        //Your mouse leave callbacks
    onClick: function(e){
        //Your mouse click callbacks

//Change only scale
    scale: '2'

Data attributes

Parazoom can be parametered for each element via data attributes: For example

<!-- Markup to set the scale of the element to 2 -->
<img src="your-image.jpg" data-prz-scale="2">
Javascript options Data attribute
scale data-prz-scale
transitionTime data-prz-transition-time
transitionTimeLeave data-prz-transition-time-leave
opacity data-prz-opacity
opacityHover data-prz-opacity-hover
overflow data-prz-overflow
cursor data-prz-cursor
customCursorIcon data-prz-custom-cursor
customCursorSize data-prz-custom-cursor-size
tilt data-prz-tilt
tiltXamount data-prz-tilt-x-amount
tiltYamount data-prz-tilt-y-amount
text data-prz-text
textPosition data-prz-text-position
textClass data-prz-text-class
textPosition data-prz-text-position
textAlignment data-prz-text-alignment
textXParallax data-prz-text-x-parallax
textYParallax data-prz-text-y-parallax
textOpacity data-prz-text-opacity
textOpacityHover data-prz-text-opacity-hover