
How to use Scroll Btween

The Scroll Btween syntax follows the CSS value inline syntax. You can add as much tweens as you want. You can even add multiple tweens on the same CSS property. You can specify the tween to apply as follows:

Global parameters

Adjustable global parameters accessible in scoll-btween.js

scrollBtween.defaults. Type  Default Description
tweenerIntervalinMs integer 300  Smoothness of the change. Available only if Ola tweener is enabled, duration between to tweens
<!-- Syntax -->
<div    scroll-btween="[YOUR_UNIQUE_ID]"
        data-[CSS_PROPERTY]="|[X1] to [Y1]|...|[X2] to [Y2]|..."></div>
<!-- Example 1 -->
<p scroll-btween="foo" data-left="|-50 to 50|%">A paragraph</p>
<!-- Example 2 -->
<p  scroll-btween="foo2" 
    data-transform="translateX(|-100 to 0|%) translateY(|50 to 0|%) scale(|1 to 2|)">Another paragraph</p>
<!-- Example 3 -->
<p  scroll-btween="foo3" 
    data-background-color="rgba(|34 to 255|, |255 to 128|, 50, |1 to 0.2|)" 
    data-padding="|2 to 3|em |1 to 3|em">Another paragraph</p>
  • scroll-btween="[YOUR_UNIQUE_ID]" Declaration to assign CSS tweening on this node.
  • data-[CSS_PROPERTY]="|X to Y|" Enter standard CSS value expression specifying numeric values to tween between pipes |X to Y|.
    • data-[CSS_PROPERTY] specifies the CSS property onto which applying the tween. For example data-color or data-width etc.
    • X is the start value when the element not visible into the viewport yet - intersection is below 0.
    • [space]to[space] is the operator to enter between X start value and Y end value.
    • Y is the end value when the element has passed the viewport - intersection is over 1.
<p>Scroll down</p>
<!-- Single tween into a single CSS property -->
<div scroll-btween="basic-1" data-width="|30 to 100|%">
        <li>This div's width starts from 30% width and is tweened to 100% throughout the intersection between itself and screen</li>
        <li>The div element not yet into the viewport: Width is equal to 30%</li>
        <li>The div is into the viewport: Width is tweening between 30 and 100 proportionally to the element's position.</li>
        <li>The div element has passed viewport: Width is equal to 100%</li>

<!-- Multiple tweens in a single CSS property -->
<div scroll-btween="basic-2" data-padding="|100 to 10|px |30 to 80|px">
    <p>Throughout the intersection between this div and the screen:</p>
        <li>This div's padding top and bottom starts from 100px and is tweened to 10px</li>
        <li>This div's padding left and right starts from 30px and is tweened to 80px</li>

<!-- Multiple tweens in multiple CSS properties -->
<div scroll-btween="basic-3" data-transform="scale(|0.5 to 1|) skew(|-20 to 20|deg)" data-color="rgb(|50 to 100|,|200 to 100|,|255 to 0|)">
    <p>Throughout the intersection between this div and the screen:</p>
        <li>This div's transform scale starts from 0.5 and is tweened to 1</li>
        <li>This div's transform skew starts from -20deg and is tweened to 20deg</li>
        <li>This div's color property starts from rgb(50,200,255) and is tweened to rgb(100,100,0)</li>
    body {
        padding-bottom: 100vh;
    [scroll-btween] {
        margin-top: 100vh;
        background-color: #F3F3F3;
        transform-origin: left center;
    #scroll-btween-debugbar { display: none; }


By default, scroll binded elements are their own detector: It means the intersection is computed in relation with this element itself. But it possible to assign another DOM element as detector for the intersection.

<h2 scroll-btween="foo" data-detector="detector" data-background-color="rgb(|0 to 255|,|255 to 0|,0)">
    I am foo: Green until detector passes.<br>
    I fade to red when my detector passes the viewport.
<p id="detector">I am the detector for <strong>foo</strong></p>
    body { min-height: 300vh; }
    [scroll-btween="foo"] { position:fixed; top: 0; left: 0; }
    #detector { margin-top:110vh; margin-bottom: 20vh; background: #EEE }


As seen earlier, intersection is based on the position of the element - or its detector - into the viewport. It is possible to split the transition into multiple parts using keyframes with the following syntax:

  • data-[CSS_PROPERTY]="|0:V to a:W to b:X to c:Y to 100:Z|" A CSS property is set with keyframes.
  • 0, a, b and c, 100 are percentages of the element’s position into the viewport. a < b < c keyframes percentages always start from 0 and go to 100.
  • V is the start value of the CSS property when intersection is equal (in percent) to 0.
  • W is the start value of the CSS property when intersection is equal (in percent) to a.
  • X is the start value of the CSS property when intersection is equal (in percent) to b.
  • Y is the intermediate value of the CSS property when intersection is equal (in percent) to c.
  • Z is the intermediate value of the CSS property when intersection is equal (in percent) to 100.
  • etc
<h2 scroll-btween="foo"
    data-padding-left="|0:0 to 50:150 to 100:150|px">
    I get 150px of padding left and sto growing when i reach the middle of the screen.
<h2 scroll-btween="bar"
    data-padding-left="|0:0 to 40:0 to 60:150 to 100:150|px">
    I go from 0px to 150px of padding left when i roam between 40% and 60% of the screen.
    h2 { margin-top: 90vh; margin-bottom: 100vh }


Scroll Btween comes with the following methods.

  • scrollBtween.getIntersection(element) Returns the intersection value of the specified element.
  • scrollBtween.update() Start Scroll Btween or update instances if DOM has changed.
  • scrollBtween.stop() Stops all tweens, disable all tweens.
  • scrollBtween.start() Start all tweens.