List of libraries and resources SEEMAP could not exist without!
- Leaflet.js an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
- Leaflet Gesture Handling Brings the basic functionality of Google Maps Gesture Handling into Leaflet. Prevents users from getting trapped on the map when scrolling a long page.
- Leaflet Marker Cluster Provides Beautiful Animated Marker Clustering functionality for Leaflet, a JS library for interactive maps.
- Leaflet Routing Machine or Official website Control for routing in Leaflet based on OSRM - Open Source Routing Machine
- Leaflet.Autocomplete OpenStreetMap search engine available into a simple autocompletion list.
- OpenStreetMap search engine the search engine used on the OpenStreetMap website.
- LeafLet Providers An extension to Leaflet that contains configurations for various free and paid tile providers.
- Feather Icons Simply beautiful open source icons.