Single marker

Adding a single marker on the map through URL GET parameters

A marker is defined as follows through URL GET parameters: Latitude, comma, longitude, comma, optional text content for popup.

<SEEMAP_FILE_URL>?marker=<lat>,<lng>[,<popup content>]
  • <lat> - mandatory - Latitude, for ex. 45.1234
  • <lng> - mandatory - Longitude, for ex. 2.4321
  • <content> - optional - Text string to display on marker popup.
<iframe src="../../seemap.html?marker=48.85830,2.29435,Optional text to display"></iframe>
<!-- DEMO ONLY -->
    iframe {
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        border: none;